The Audacity of Some People™

Prepare your mind for fury.
With an open mind, understand the darker realities of our world.
You will not want to believe these facts to be true.

Source facts, not propaganda.
It will not take long for you to realize, 'they' have been attempting to negatively influence and divide us. It is criminal tyranny.

Your duty to inform others.
We are stronger when we are informed and united together.
When we all know the truth, we can hold greater ambitions.
People ARE waking up. We are far less believing of mainstream media, watching it less and depending on it's reporting less, as they lie repeatedly and conceal truths.
The fake news is now totally exposed and it is known, it is one of the biggest problems we face. "Fear is the virus, Truth is the cure".
Documentaries show the tyrannical assaults on our freedoms around the world. People are suspicious there is not the democracy as we are made to believe.
Is there a deep state and secret cabal of globalist corporate aggressors trying to capture control of the entire planet? That is no longer debated. Watch Plandemic Series
Group think out of Davos, Bildeburg Group, UN, WHO, WEF and other unelected bodies are attempting to penetrate all the worlds democracies and communize it.
Look at China, and ask yourself what are the benefits to the social credit score system they all operate under? Who does that benefit? Why do so many Chinese nationals want to leave?

Finally Media®®

Professional, social and viral videos.®®

There is a war on for your mind.®®

Big Tent Social Media.®®

Putting creators first to express.®®

A place for independent writing.®®

Mainstream News Without Bias.®®

Free Speech. Independent Thought.®®

Free speech and flow of information.

Source facts, not propaganda. It will not take long for you to realize, 'they' have been attempting to negatively influence and divide us.
It is criminal tyranny. Use the sources above to learn the truths around you, all the truths they do not want you to know.
We cannot make you believe these realities here on one page. All we can do is politely offer you a path to greater knowledge.
Do not make the mistake of getting saddened by your new awareness. Use your time and abilities to share the truths with others you know. Challenge others to learn more as you have.
Your duty is then to inform others. We are stronger when we are informed and united together. When we all know the truth, we can hold greater ambitions.
Write, read, post, share, talk and inform. Then protest and force change for the good. Push back against this globalism. Jordan B Peterson says...